Post by Gregg P.Post by David KirkbyPost by Gregg P.Hello,
I have 2 sparcstation IPCs and 1 sparcstation 1+ that I have been
Post by David KirkbyPost by Gregg P.with disposing of; does anyone know where
I can find accurate pricing info for these?
Gregg Palmer
I can give you a reasonably accurate figure - zero.
18-months or so ago I see people saying on newsgroups "free IPC, must
pick up" or similar. They really have no value, and are best put in a bin.
Sorry if that disappoints you, but there is no doubt a lot of people
(myself included) who have thrown them in the bin.
Quite right! I am about to put several sparc 4's, 5's, 10's and 20's in the
Just not worth the hassle of selling them.
Also probably going to skip a RSM2000 and 5 A1000's with 9GB disks.
If you're based in Europe, we may be interested in some of this kit.
Please email me the details.
We're also looking for 630MP, or 670MP, or 690MP internals
(motherboard, memory, etc.) - if you have any of those. Depending
on the location, we may take the complete systems.
Regarding the OP, David Kirkby is right, the IPC - like IPX, SS1, SS1+,
SS2 - have no real market for the system or the parts. And we've also
scrapped many of them.
The chassis of the SS4, SS5, SS10, and SS20 is the same, although
some of the internals (disk and memory) still have a value for spare parts.
(The 170MHz SS5 is the exception, and may still have some life!;-)
The Ultra1 and Ultra2 are borderline, although the Ultra2 (I think)
has a lot of life in it and will be around for the next 12-18 months.
The RSM2000 has no value. The A1000 has, because it's (like the
170MHz SS5 and the Ultra2) preferred to what went before it.
And, Yes, we've got the above in stock.
(And, Yes, we've got the odd 3/50, as well!;-)
And, No, we can't get to Ebay prices!
And, Yes, we know the pricelist is woefully out-of-date.
Regards, Tom Tobin.